He’s like almost every Facebook ad, YouTube ad, Google ad, promotional email, and Blog post, online today…
...Totally Ignored!

“For Online (and offline) Marketers and Business Owners Who Are Ready To Supercharge The ROI on Every Ad, Promotion, and Piece of Content They Create.”
Getting, and keeping attention online (or offline) and converting it into cold, hard cash is easy!
It’s like riding a bike.
Except the bike is on fire, you’re on fire and everything is on fire and you’re in hell!
That’s right.
Getting attention online today is a tough row to hoe, indeed.
And, it’s getting harder.
In fact, it’s getting harder by the second.
By the time you finish reading this sentence, there will have been 219,000 new Facebook posts, 22,800 new tweets, and 46 new websites added to the already over-saturated digital pile that is the internet.
Sadly (and surprisingly), most marketers severely underestimate how very saturated and competitive today’s online (and offline) world is.
Look, here’s the cold, hard truth: To standout and get attention in this mess…
Average marketing won’t cut it.
Not in this ultra competitive digital world.
Look, it really comes down to this:
The stiffer the competition, the better you have to be.
Consider this:
If you want to be a professional toe wrestler (it’s actually a thing), you really only need one good working big toe and you’re chances of making it as a professional are pretty good, such is the lack of competition in the sport of Toe wrestling.
However, if you wanted to become a pro basketballer and play in the N.B.A., you’d better have some serious basketball skills, such is the fierce competition.
And so it is with marketing.
Because it’s so fiercely competitive, if you don’t have some serious marketing and sales chops, you won’t be selling but two things: Jack and Shit…and Jack left town!
Is that too blunt for you?
I’m sorry, but I take marketing very seriously, and I hope you do too.
After all, our families are relying on us to provide for them. If our businesses aren’t profitable, we can’t give them the life they deserve, right?
* Well, your level of success will be determined by this: your ability to do the following 3 things: (1) Grabbing your market’s attention (2) Keeping their attention, and (3) Converting that attention into sales (dollars in the bank)
Unfortunately, most marketers stumble right out the gate – they can’t grab their market’s attention.
You know, the lack of marketing and sales skills of the “average marketer” today is absolutely horrific. They approach marketing as if it’s a game of checkers!
So sad.
Checkers is a far cry from the reality.
Marketing is more like a highly sophisticated game of chess. And if you sit down at the “marketing table” to play and expect to win, you’d better have some serious sales and marketing skills.
If you don’t see it that way, you’re about as vulnerable as an isolated pawn on a chess board.
Enough with the chess analogy.
Let’s talk so more reality:
The average business owner/marketer is losing money hand over fist with the paid marketing. Their emails and marketing content gets ignored by their intended market.
Their websites are getting less traffic than Central Park at midnight.
And the few prospects they do manage to get, don’t buy!
In other words, the quality of sales and marketing today is dropping faster than a fat kid on a seesaw.
Do you think I’m over exaggerating the problem here?
I don’t.
Actually, I think I’ve understated the problem.
I believe the problem is much, much worse.
O.K., l’m gonna shift gears and talk about something more positive.
Know this:
Every marketer who is succeeding (i.e., they have cracked the code to grabbing and keeping their market’s attention and converting it into sales) are doing so, not by accident, but by proven and predictable ways.
How predictable are these ways?
I’m talking as predictable as the laws of nature.
Yes, there a certain ways to get (and keep) people’s attention that are guaranteed to work. Humane nature can’t ignore them. This is based on the fact that human nature never changes.
What grabbed people’s attention thousands of years ago is what grabs their attention today. Sure, there will always be new marketing channels created, but the one constant is human nature.
If you learn these laws of attention getting (and sales secrets), you can make yourself a small fortune.
If you don’t…well, you know how that story ends, don’t you?
Look, the good news is, anyone with at least half a brain can learn these attention getting laws and sales secrets.
Kelvin, can I just see what’s inside your 24 Laws of Attention getting product?
Gosh, I thought you’d never ask!
If your way of getting attention is to explain why someone should listen to you…you’re dead in the water!
Listen: you’ve got about 2-3 seconds (that’s probably generous) to capture someone’s attention online.
That’s it.
You don’t have time to explain, discuss, or convince.
No way Jose!
You must make them pay attention.
And do it instantly!
And that’s exactly what these laws of attention getting do.
They grab people by the jugular and instantly drag them into your content. They hit on people’s psychology and persuade them they way people are hardwired to be persuaded. Namely, they hit on people’s emotions, and subconscious.
In other words, these “24 laws of attention getting” hit people where they live!
They are neurologically impossible to ignore, and best of all, because some of these laws are so subtle, your prospects won’t even know why they felt so compelled to consume your content.
Alright, to help you decide if this product could help you…
Yes, Bill…
…teaching is hard.
But compared to marketing…it’s a day at the beach!
You see, a teacher has one big advantage over the marketer – their audience can’t go anywhere! They have a real captive audience.
The marketer has no such luxury.
The instant a prospect becomes bored with your content or ad, they click away, or if offline, walk away, toss your advertising material in the trash and never return.
Hear this:
Thousands of sales have been lost, millions of dollars worth of business has failed to materialize, solely because so few marketers have the knack of holding their prospect’s attention long enough to deliver their sales message.
Most Marketer’s content and advertising today are either too spammy or they are deadly boring.
Both ways are a bullet train to failure.
Being a spammy (too salesy) marketer, to me, is a half-step away from being a Jehovah Witness or a Scientologist – it’s just weird, creepy and annoying. (Come to think of it, this product would be perfect for folks wanting to recruit people into their religion or whatever.)
And being boring…well, no marketer has ever bored someone into buying.
Understand this:
What worked in marketing decades ago no longer works today. And that’s half the trouble with marketers and business owners today…
In today’s world of Fake news, soft as marshmallow news reporting, click bait gone wild websites, and unrelenting advertising, people feel more cheated than Tiger Wood’s ex-wife!
People now hate marketers with the fire of a thousand suns.
And rightly so. Every where they turn, some marketer is trying to get their attention.
People are now tuning out advertising in all its forms, and they are getting good at it, too!
Not only a folks tuning out advertising, their attention spans are now shorter than a goldfish. (According to a new study Microsoft, Corp) Do you see what the average business owner is who wants to promote their product or service is up against?
It ain’t a pretty picture, is it?
Well, don’t get too down about it.
It’s actually a HUGE opportunity.
That is, for the marketer who is prepared to promote their product and service in a fresh, new way, a way that not only grabs people’s attention but keeps it long enough to turn cold prospects into rabid fans and loyal customers. A way that doesn’t just go for cheap clicks using dirty tricks and gimmicks.
I’m talking about a way which has integrity, humanity, and connects with people, mind to mind, heart to heart.
I know this all sounds lofty and a little corny, but trust me, it ain’t.
Sure, this product shows you how to get and keep attention, and how to turn it into sales, but the most valuable thing it will show you is how to build a rock-solid relationship between you and your market. And therein lies the secret to…
Hear this, my friend:
Money solves a lot of problems in business.
However, there a few problems it can’t solve. And one of those problems is this:
You can’t buy people’s attention. It’s not for sale.
You have to earn it!
Listen, buying ad space, clicks exposure will get you seen. But being seen is only the beginning. The real work begins when a prospect enters your store or visits your website.
How do you engage a prospect and turn them into a customer? How do you keep them coming back?
If you don’t know how to engage and connect with your prospects, you’re screwed!
Well, don’t you worry, inside this product you will get 24 proven ways to get your prospects eagerly coming back to your store or website like they do their favorite restaurant.
O.K. – just checkin’.
This golden advice is straight from the man dubbed, “the world’s greatest living copywriter”
– Gary Bencivenga
Now, as you can see, a lot of the 24 laws are focused on getting the (favorable) attention of your target market and keeping that attention.
And this is good.
In fact, it’s crucial.
However…it ain’t enough.
I mean, what good is getting (and keeping) the attention of your target market if they never pony up and buy your product or service? Huh?
You’re not running a charity or a non profit business, are you?
No. You’re offering a product or service in exchange for money, right?
Well, unless you’re a savvy copywriter (salesperson), getting prospects to hand over their hard earned is like getting blood out of a stone.
But don’t you worry.
This product isn’t going to get you all dressed up with nowhere to go.
No sir.
This product is jam packed with sales and copywriting secrets that will inject more raw sales power in all your sales and marketing messages.
Some of these sales secrets are so persuasive it’s scary.
They will seduce your prospects to the point of raw lust.
And that, my friend, is what it takes!
Want to dramatically boost your sales?
Know this:
A lukewarm sales pitch will inspire a lukewarm response.
And a red-hot sales pitch will inspire a red-hot response. It’s that simple.
Well, these laws and sales secrets will get you creating red-hot sales and marketing messages that will deliver your prospects and customers breathless and hungry at the front doorstep of your ordering page.
U.S. residents can expect it to take 2 to 3 business days.
If you live outside the U.S. it will take 6 to 10 business days to arrive.
Kelvin Dorsey
(Email Marketing Maverick)
PO Box 220
Sydney N.S.W. 2086