…highlights a knuckle-dragging blunder most amateur copywriters make when making claims and promises that turns off prospects and kills off sales.- page 70

Dear subscriber…
In every field, 20% of knowledge gives you 80% of the foundation.
That’s what the 5-hours Copywriting Speed Course contains… the crucial 20%.
If you like to get to the heart of matters without all the pettifogging, then you’ll appreciate this book. Every lesson inside this book will show you ways to turn prospects into customers/clients… or whatever action you want people to take.
Look, you don’t have to buy every copywriting course and read every book to start writing effective (profitable) sales copy. You just need to understand a few principles.
That’s what this book will give you – the few principles that make all the difference.
Once you know what these few principles are…
Obviously, I can’t guarantee any specific result.
Some of you will buy this book and implement everything you learn and do much better than a 10% increase of sales. Others will buy this book and do bupkis with the information.
Hell, I don’t even implement every copywriting secret I know. True. Putting this book together, I realized there are some things I teach that, for some reason, I’m not doing myself! What can I say, we are flawed creatures.
But I digress.
Listen, I believe, copywriting is one of the most leverageable skills you could ever learn. And, with the internet slowly taking over the way business is done, copywriting will only become more and more valuable. If you stop and think about it, the internet is made up of three things: images, words, and video. But it is my contention that words control all of it.
It’s the words you say about the image that can influence the way people view an image. It’s the words someone says in the video that gives the influence the viewers. It’s the words you say in an article that influence the reader.
It’s all about the words.
Think about the words you use on your website. What about the words you write about your product or service… are they influencing your prospects/clients/customers to take the action you want them to take or not?
Listen, the words in your sales copy are either getting people to take action you want them to take or … they are leaving people feeling apathetic and indifferent.
And… I don’t need to tell you that an apathetic and indifferent prospect is a prospect who won’t buy.
But make no mistake, that indifferent prospect will go and spend their money on a competitor of yours who does know how to craft a sales message and get the same prospect to take action and buy!
Remember? To master words is to master influence.
Let’s talk about what’s inside this 5 hour copywriting speed course, shall we?
This book is a collection of all my very best copywriting teachings. Some of the copywriting secrets are basic, some are semi-advances, and others are very high-level and sophisticated.
But they all have one thing in common:
It all comes down to you and how motivated your are to implement them.
Well anyway, here are a few of the many proven and battle-tested copywriting secrets this book contains:
"Every successful business person must be able to sell through the art of the written word." ~ Justin Ford. Entrepreneur, investor, real estate broker, and TV host.
This true story is set in a seedy L.A. strip club (where else?) and contains one of the most important sales and marketing lessons any business owner could ever learn. If you don’t ever learn this – most business owners don’t – you website copy will miss the mark by an L.A. mile! – page 165
A little-known way to write “product benefits” that can get people drooling with excitement and scrambling to get their credit card. I guarantee you won’t hear this taught anywhere online today. (Unless you’re already a highly trained copywriter and have studied all the old masters dating back to the 1940s… this will be new to you, and… very eye-opening. The only downside is… it’s kinda tricky to apply because of its high level of sophistication. Hey, it can’t all be easy.)
I consider this section of the 5-Hour Copywriting Speed Course to be worth the price of admission alone. It’s chock full of copywriting strategies, techniques, and tricks that will help your copy immensely. See this on pages 40-46
This book sells for a flat $127 (I pay your shipping worldwide.)
To have this book delivered right to your front door, just click the add to cart button and I’ll have it in your hands in just a couple of business days. Live outside the U.S.? Then you can expect it to take 6-10 business days to arrive.
Kelvin Dorsey
(Email Marketing Maverick)
PO Box 220
Sydney N.S.W. 2086