Fast track Your Email-Marketing Results (Sales) With a Critique From The Maverick Himself!

“I Will Critique Two of Your Promotional Emails”

Right Now....

You could be getting a lot more sales with your email-marketing, even with your current list of subscribers.

You know it…

…I know it.

And you know what?

The single biggest reason marketers don’t increase their business profits is because they never improve their email-marketing.

Most marketers are so busy chasing leads they totally neglect the one thing that actually brings home the bacon.

And that is this:

The ability to craft a persuasive
email that brings in bundles of money!

You see, when you know how to “sell”, you can make moolah.

Pure and simple.

Building a big list of subscribers will get you just that – a big list of subscribers.

But alas… …a big list of subscribers is as worthless as a big barrel of monkey nuts to a marketer who can’t write emails that effectively sell their product or service.

Now listen closely…

..If your “email marketing game” is poor, or even worse, it’s poor and you don’t even realise, then you’d better get damn good at building a list, cuz you’re gonna need an ungodly size list to even stand a chance of making sales.

But for the marketer who can write persuasive emails, even a tiny list can bring in huge profits.

Now, let me share a little story with you:

I used to play a lot of squash.

After playing a few years, I got to a point where I thought I was pretty darn good.

I mean, I was winning most the matches I played against my mates on the weekend.

So, yeah, I was feelin’ pretty good about the state of my game. Then one fine day, I decided to get a $70 squash lesson from an ex-pro-squash player, named Michelle Martin.

Michelle was the number #1 female squash player in the world from 1992 to 1996.

She won 3 World Opens and 6 British Opens.

Anyway… …after an (almost humiliating) one hour lesson, I was left shell-shocked.

Let me tell you, it was one helluva reality-check as to where I (Really) stood as a squash player.

Suddenly I felt like a complete beginner!

Michelle pointed out things in my squash game (things I were completely oblivious to) that were hurting my game.

Things such as:

Wrong technique, bad court positioning, lack of game knowledge, and so on.

She also shared with me little-known drills her coaches showed her that corrected my bad technique and rapidly increased my skills.

Not only that, Michelle also gave me a deep understanding of the game and how it should be approached.

Anyway, long story longer…

…within 6 months I was beating up on my friends so badly that most of them didn’t want to play me anymore.

They would make up silly excuse like:

“Uh, sorry Kelvin, but I’ve got this sore calf muscle”, or “I think Bazza wants to play you next”, or “I gotta get home to help my wife tidy the house before…” (A flat-out-lie if ever I’ve heard one).

I ended up playing competition squash and worked my way up a few grades and beat a few high grade players I had no business beating.

And guess what it was that enabled me to dramatically fast track my results as a squash player?

That's right...

…it was that one $70 squash lesson from Michelle.

Without that, I would have remained the same old incompetent (and deluded) squash player.

Hey….you know what’s worse than incompetence?

It’s unconscious incompetence.

In other words, you think you’re doing better than you really are.


…why did I just tell you that little story?

Here’s why:

Because I’m offering you the chance to have yours truly (The Maverick) look over two of your promotional emails and critique your email-marketing “game”, so to speak, the same way Michelle critiqued my squash game.


…maybe you’re already successfully selling your product or service via email.

If that’s the case, why settle for the sales you’re now making?

Why not get BIGGER results?

And, do it fast.

Maybe you’re not getting any sales.

Well, even more reason for you to take me up on this offer.

Here's My Offer:

I will critique two of your emails.

I’ll start with your subject line, and work through your emails line by line and send my critique back to you with all my suggestions and little-known email-marketing secrets that almost force subscribers to open your emails and buy from.

I know it’s only two emails, but what you learn from the two critiques will stay with you for the rest of your marketing days.

In my opinion – priceless!

Know this:

When I got that squash lesson, Michelle did not “pull any punches”.

She took a morbid pleasure in breaking down my game and gave me the cold-hard-truth about where I was as a player, and, as much as it hurt at the time, I’m so glad she did.

And guess what?

I intend on doing the same.


…If you’re ready to take your email-marketing game to the next level, then by all means, keep reading my emails.

Study them.

Try and dig out all the subtle salesmanship embedded throughout them.

It won’t cost you a penny, BUT… will cost you in time.


Because “free” is always the long and slow way to improvement and getting the results you really want.

But, if you’re like me, and you like to fast track your success (bring in the bundles of cash with your emails), then you should take me up on my offer.

Will it take your email marketing game to the next level?


It will take your “email game” MANY levels higher.

In other words…

...It Will Give Your
"Email Marketing Game"
a Quantum Leap!


…it’s up to you.

If you want to take me up on this offer, just click on the add-to-cart button below.


After you have purchased this service, a thank-you-page will appear.

Simply send your two emails to the email address provided on the thank-you-page.

Once I have completed critiquing your emails (give me 2-3 days) I will email you the critiques (as a word doc attachment)

Simple, eh?

Kelvin, How Much Will It Cost Me?

$1,047 dollars?

Nope. That’s what I should be charging. 

What I actually charge is $147 dollars.

But listen…

..If you take me up on this offer and you implement what I show you, and as a result, you start making more sales with your email marketing, has it really cost you?

What you’ve really done is this:

You invested a measly $147 into your business and…

...Have Come Out Way Ahead!


…If you just see this as an expense, you should NOT purchase this service.

I only want to help people who invest in themselves and NOT people who are looking for magic-pills or a marketing guru to wave their marketing-fairy-dust on your work.

If you’re the latter, you should go spend that $147 at a casino instead.

But if you’re someone who invests in themselves and you wanna start making a ton of sales with your email marketing, then…

…Click on the add-to-cart button below

NOTE: There are no refunds and all sales are final

A Heads-Up:

I’d get on this like white-on-rice before:

(1) I get too many of these to do, and I shut this service down

(2) I just get tired of doing them

So, get on this while the Maverick is willing!


Kelvin Dorsey ~ Email Marketing Maverick