You will not find the information inside this Playbook in any other Marketing gurus books, videos or webinars, (especially in regard to email marketing).
That’s because the secret’s contained inside this Playbook come from outside the online marketing/email marketing industry. (More about that in a moment.)
You know, the email marketing/internet marketing industry would have to be the most incestuous industry on the planet. You see, most email marketers and online educators are just regurgitating the same old stuff (i.e. tricks and tactics that only fool suckers) they were taught by other online marketers.
That stuff (there’s no better word to describe it) may work on folks who don’t know any better, but if you’re running a legitimate business and looking for quality prospects who have money to buy your product or service, then you must find a better way.
(Enter The Maverick’s Playbook.)
You see, there are two very REAL problems with what’s being taught about email marketing (or sales and marketing in general, for that matter) these days.
(1) Much of what is being taught about email marketing nowadays simply doesn’t work anymore. The general public are fed up with advertising and now hate marketers with the fire of a thousand suns.
If a prospect so much as gets a whiff of you trying to sell them, there goneski.
A new approach is needed.
An approach that doesn’t scare off your subscribers, but instead, turns them into lifelong customers who happily pay you, time and time again.
This Playbook is that new approach.
(2) There’s a Grand Canyon sized oversight with what’s being taught on email marketing.
And that oversight is this:
Not realizing that email marketing should be based on proven principles rather than tricks and tactics – BIG diffrence, my friend.
And those proven principles must be based on Psychology, Influence, Persuasion and Salesmanship.
I call this “Pips“.
You may not want pips in your fruit, but let me tell you, in your emails…you want mucho pips!
But do you know what I’ve realised?
When it comes to psychology, influence, persuasion and salesmanship…