Free Access to Kelvin’s Ultimate Email Cheat-Sheet and 10 Minute Copy Speed Course

Gone Fishin’


Let’s discuss (i.e. let me talk at you) lead generation some more.

I believe that lead generation is analogous to that of fishing.

You see that, right?

Well, I’m gonna make sure you see it.

Follow along.

The ocean is the market place. The fisherman represents you and me – business folks who are looking to acquire customers.

Now, the way a fisherman catches fish is to, of course, throw out some bait on the end of a line.

For this action to be successful, the fisherman must know the answer to the following two questions: (1) where do the particular fish he wants to catch hang out? (2) what do these fishies like to dine out on?

Once he knows these two things, it’s just a matter of hauling his arse out there on the water and dropping a line with the bait he knows the little fishy love to gorge on.

And so it is with marketing.

If you throw the right bait in front of your prospects, they will happily take the bait.

But of course, instead of using a boat and fishing rod, marketers use a website with an opt-in form that offers website visitors a delicious offer they can’t resit in exchange for their email address. This, of course, is nothing new. Direct marketers have been using this clever strategy since Kermit the Frog was a tadpole.

How long will this strategy keep working?

Look, I’m brilliant but I can’t see around corners.

But if I were to hazard a guess, I’d say this lead generating strategy isn’t going to stop working anytime soon.

Alright, changing gears. Remember in my last email I promised to reveal my lead generation strategy? Well, I guess I’ve already revealed the basic strategy. And that is to offer your prospects something you know they would love in exchange for their email address. But let’s get a little more granular about how I do this exactly.

The ocean I like to fish in is

There is fish aplenty and they love my bait – eBooks.

I use my eBook as a lure, and wrapped inside the lure is more bait – a PDF on copywriting.

Now, have you heard of a type of fishing called Trolling? That’s a form of fishing where you use multiple lines and lures. Well, that’s my approach to marketing. I like to have multiple lines, lures and bait in the water at all times.

Listen, if you want to see exactly how this all looks, you can check it out a new line I just dropped in Amazon’s ocean. You can see it here:

How’s that for a book plug, eh?

Hey, don’t act all surprised that I promoted something. That’s what I do.

In the words of the great philosopher Popeye, I yam what I yam!


Your friend,


Email Marketing Maverick

P.S. I hope you’re doing well. Times can get tough, can’t they? Well, when times get tough, the tough get going. I normally avoid cliches like the plague… but Billy Ocean is right on this one. When things go tits up, it’s time to go on the attack and increase your activity.

However, when business and the economy start to go down the toilet, most people stop playing offense and play only defense.

But then there are the few rare people who start to ramp up their offense. They either change up how they serve their customers, find a new problem to solve, or they go balls-to-the-wall with their current marketing.

Are you doing what most people do…or are you one of those rare fish that swim against the current?

Remember this:

Only dead fish go with the flow.

Hey, Kelvin, do you have any copywriting products?

Aha…I thought you’d never ask.

I sure do.

However, they are very expensive, and if you’ve just stumbled onto my website and don’t know me from a can of paint, you’d be nuts to buy any of my products. After all, I could be a complete copywriting novice dressed up in guru clothing. Hell, the internet has no shortage of those.

Listen: I believe you should put someone’s content to the test before shelling out your hard earned. Know this: I want to help you drag in more sales for your business before you even think about giving me a single penny. 

And that, dear website visitor, is why all my new subscribers get the following two perks:

NEW SUBSCRIBER PERK #1 - The 10-Minute Copywritng Speed Course

Fast-track your way to writing persuasive sales copy. I’m talking about copy that stomps on peoples’ greed glands while sounding credible and believable. Not easy to do. That’s why I created the 10-minute copywriting speed course. (You’re welcome)

I don’t care if you’re a sniveling beginner or a grizzled veteran, this will help you write copy that opens both minds and wallets!

FACT: most people suck at writing promotional emails...

And yet… people still seem to make email marketing profitable – lame email copy and all.

Even the most clueless of business owners who add email to their marketing arsenal will see an increase in business.

Email, dear website visitor, is a very forgiving marketing medium. And therein lies a golden opportunity. If you learn just a little email copy (as opposed to normal copywriting – yes…there’s a difference), you can truly work wonders with email marketing. Look, I could wax lyrical about email copy all day long, but let me get straight to the point:

Email and sales go together like drunk and disorderly, and…I want to prove to you how easy it is to write emails people love to read and buy from. The notion that you need to be well versed in direct response marketing and be a certified copywriting pro is just beautiful nonsense. Not saying that won’t help… of course it’d help. What I am saying is that email is a very different animal, thus, you can get away with not possessing a lick of copywriting knowledge. If you’re serious about boosting your business’s sales, you’re gonna love perk #2 …

NEW SUBSCRIBER PERK #2 - The Ultimate Email Cheat-Sheet

Don’t let their simplicity fool you. These 17 email “types” are shockingly effective for selling products and services.

“Serious business owners and marketers need only subscribe”

NOTE: The 10-Minute Copywritng Speed Course and The Ultimate Email Cheat-Sheet will be delivered to your inbox immediately upon signing up.