An Inner Circle Member’s Semi-Sober Review


Dear subscriber,

If you’re going to start a business…

…. and you want it to be recession-proof, then picking the right industry is key.

I mean, you don’t want to jump into an industry only to find out it’s about as stable as a Kardashian marriage, do you?

No. You want an industry with some serious meat on the bone, something that’s going to weather the storm when the economy shits the bed, right?

I’m glad you agree. I’d hate to have to correct you this early in.

Well anyway, below are some industries that are like the honey badger – they don’t give a damn about the economic winds of change:

Healthcare, utilities, consumer staples, and any industry that services people’s vices – because let’s face it, when the economy takes a dive, sometimes all we have left is a cold beer and a warm lap dance.

Now, if none of those industries take your fancy, dear subscriber, then perhaps you could start a paid newsletter. There are plenty of perks to having a paid newsletter, and if you do it well enough, your paying subscribers will sooner give up their vices than cancel their subscriptions.

A case in point:

From an inner circle member:


So I created an email the other night and while drinking… didn’t send it. But as I thought about it more- sober- going to send it. Your newsletter is the SHYT. I started printing them out and reading them while I’m on the road because I drive a lot with my new business. Been doing online for 19 years now- I think that classifies me as old.

Your material is SOOO good- without blowing smoke up your…

I subscribe to (deleted name) also and every month- I’m like why
are you still subscribing as he’s spent the last 6 months reminding you of why you should do direct mail and all the world is coming to an end… which I get.

Your stuff is so good. Just practical stuff I can apply today and get better results in every way.

Just wanted you to know.

I would give up drinking before your newsletter and that is saying something. (ask my AA group) kidding also. 🙂

Take care,


Clearly, Trey is a switched-on individual whose priorities are as straight as an arrow.

Now, speaking of booze, if you’re one to imbibe, you may want to pour yourself a nice, smooth glass of whiskey when reading the March issue, especially if reading before bed. Not just to make the experience more pleasurable, but because I believe you’re going to be seriously hyped after you read this issue. It’s heavy on the motivational side of things. But for you more analytical types, don’t worry, there’s plenty of practical stuff, too!

Here’s a little look inside the March issue:

*A not-so-easy (but devastatingly effective) way to make sure you almost always have the upper hand in your business, social, and romantic interactions. I realize this sounds a little dark, but once you read what’s on page 10, it’ll all make sense.)

*The “Yin and Yang” Sales technique that, when done correctly, can double, even quadruple the potency of your sales pitches. (This is something I’ve been working into my sales pitches lately, and it works a treat.)

*Why affirmations, vision boards, and visualization techniques rarely work, and… what works far better. I learned this gem from a guy named Alex Hormozi, and I 100% agree with his, admittedly, counterintuitive method. – page 12

*The one element that underpins EVERY single persuasion technique (at least the ones that work) ever invented. (This is something I recently realized. There truly is one common denominator behind every effective persuasion technique. If you’re failing at persuading people, then I can almost guarantee you’re missing this crucial element in your persuasive efforts. – page 13)

*An eye-opening look into the tried and true reverse psychology technique. And, how this insight can be parlayed into far more persuasive sales and marketing messages.

*Papa Maverick’s parenting advice you’d be a fool not to take. And yes, I am qualified. Listen, you’ll never hear me give marriage advice (I’m not qualified based on results), but when it comes to raising teenagers, my record’s pretty damn good. Whatever. – page 13

*A former Navy Seal’s hard-nosed advice on how to successfully negotiate.

*The highly unusual (almost weird) story behind how Disney’s CEO successfully negotiated a deal with a reluctant Steve Jobs that resulted in Disney buying Pixar. (This strange story contains one of the most powerful negotiation secrets ever invented. – page 16)

If you want the March issue, you best get movin’ here:


Your friend,


Email Marketing Maverick