Dear subscriber,
Saw an interesting picture online the other day.
Oh yeah, tell me about this picture, Kelvin.
It was a photo taken at Jeff Bezos’ engagement party. A lavish affair on Bezos’ $500 million dollar superyacht where stupidly expensive champagne flowed and the rich and famous rubbed shoulders.
Well anyway, I’ll describe this snapshot.
In one corner of the frame, you got Bezos with a big shit-eating grin and looking cool and sophisticated as never, side by side with the cinematic legend, Leonardo DiCaprio. Bezos is working the room, surrounded by a bevy of beauties.
At first glance, you think, “Oh look, Jeff Bezos is holding court and impressing the laydeez. The nerd has become cool. But no! If you look closely, you’ll notice that all the women’s eyes are laser-focused on Mr. DiCaprio. They’re practically mooning over the silver-screen legend.
Poor Jeff.
Okay, dear subscriber, so what can you learn by looking at this snapshot, huh?
Probably not much, right?
I thought as much.
Well, you gotta look beyond the surface level, my friend. There is actually much to be gleaned from such an image.
Here are just a few insights from said photo.
Insight the first:
$162 billion dollars can’t buy you a hip personality.
That’s right, you can take the man out of the tech geek industry, but you can’t take the geek out of the man.
Perhaps that should be Bezos’ next AI project – a personality transplant.
Insight the second:
In a room full of high-status people, the most famous of them will own the room.
Yes, women are attracted to rich powerful men, but fame is like catnip to most women. Simply put, when it comes to women’s primal attraction, fame trumps wealth.
Insight the second.
No matter how successful you get, there will always be someone who is more successful. Even if you’re ridiculously good at what you do, even if you truly dominate your industry, there will be someone who comes along and does it better. Just ask Roger Federer.
Here’s some good advice:
Don’t compare yourself, prepare yourself. In other words, just be the best version of yourself.
Insight the third:
Status is to persuasion what an electric motor is to a bicycle – it makes it effortless!
A high-status individual does not have to muster up their persuasive powers to persuade and influence people. No. They just are persuasive. It’s built into them. It’s not WHAT you do or HOW you do it that matters most, but rather WHO you ARE. People can sniff out if you’re the real deal or not.
Understand this:
Status is a by-product of success, and persuasion and influence are by-products of status.
Think about it.
Now, if any of that was of interest to you, then you’ll love this:
Your friend,
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