Do You Like Phil Collins?


“Do you like Phil Collins?” ~ Patrick Bateman (American Psycho)


Dear subscriber,


I’m not ashamed to admit, I’m a big Phil Collins fan.

People don’t realize how ridiculously talented this guy is.

When it comes to sheer musical talent, Phil Collins is painting with a full set of oils while everyone else is busy doodling with crayons.

Now, many of you music fans probably know that Phil Collins replaced Peter Gabriel as Genesis’s lead singer.

Well, Collins becoming Genesis’s lead singer was like the GFC – nobody saw it coming.

Here’s the story:

In 1975, Genesis was having in-house trouble. After months of heated argufy, Peter Gabriel took his 8-ball and went home.

Not wanting to kill off the band, the remaining members quickly started looking for a new lead singer.

Oh, by the way, dear subscriber, this little-known story contains a doozy of a lesson. I will reveal that lesson on the B side, okay?

Now, below is a transcript from a Phil Collins interview in 1977. It is Phil dishing on those Genesis audition singers.

Check it out:

Phil: So, we put an ad in the paper, Genesis – tight group – want singer. We got about 400 replies with tapes and records of people singing along to our records. We sifted them all out and got down to a shortlist of 30 singers.

Journo: Did anyone come close?

Phil: Not really. Actually, it was quite depressing. We’d be rehearsing for about six weeks or something like that, and every Monday we’d have about five or six singers to rehearse. They’d come down to the studio, I would teach them the songs and vocals. They’d sing, we would say ‘thank you, we’ll keep you in mind’, you know? We got one guy who we thought could cut it, but when it came to recording, it just didn’t work. Long story short, the band sat down and said, ‘Ya know, Phil, we were pretty impressed with your singing when you were helping those singers, why don’t you become our singer?!?’

And the rest is history.


The moral of the story?

Often, waaaay more often than you’d expect, the answer to your problem is…

… Right Under Your Schnoz!

We are too quick to look for outside resources without even looking at the assets we’re sitting on.

It’s just human nature.

Chances are, you already possess the knowledge, know the person, or have the resources; you’re just not seeing it!

And if you’re a businessperson, an online marketer, a copywriter, or a salesperson reading this on your phone, sometimes the solution to your problem is right under your nose – literally!

Looky here:



Your friend,


Email Marketing Maverick