I can’t teach you how to write…


“I can’t teach you how to write, and anybody who says they can is full of shit.”  ~ Hank Moody -Californication


The above quote is taken from my new favorite TV show, Californication.

I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to watch this cracking good show.

Well anyway, the above quote is what I call “a good TV line.” Meaning, it’s written for entertainment purposes.

But, unlike TV screenwriters, Papa Maverick writes for entertainment AND enlightenment. Yup, I will entertain you AND drop knowledge on you! Now, before I dislocate my arm from patting myself on the back, let me shed some light on this “can you teach writing?” question.

First, let’s establish the definition of a writer.

In other words, what makes someone a writer?

Well, I believe I have a good answer.

Hear me out, Butternuts.

I believe what separates a writer from the hoi polloi is this:

A Compulsion to Write!

Yup, if you’ve got that insatiable urge to write, that itch in your brain that says, ‘Hey, I gotta get these thoughts down on paper, then guess what?

You’re a writer!

On the other writing hand, if your brain turns to mush when you sit down to write, if you avoid writing like Prince William avoids Prince Harry’s phone calls, then you, my friend, do not have the “writing gene”

Not a bad thing. Just a fact.

Now, a quick word to the non-writers:

When I’m talking about copywriting or writing in general, you should pay close attention.


Because almost everything I teach is versatile and adaptable. I don’t care if you’re a freakin mime artist, what I teach can be used to elevate your communication game, no matter the medium.

That’s why!

OK. Back on track.

Now that we’ve established what a true writer is, let me give my answer to “Can you teach someone to write?

My answer is the overused and annoying “it depends.”

It depends on two things:

(1) It depends if the person teaching can teach worth a damn, and (2) it depends if the student being taught is indeed a writer.

Listen, I can teach you how to write if you’re a writer.

That’s duck soup.

If you’re not a writer, well, once again it depends. It depends on whether or not you are smart enough to take insights from one medium and apply them to another.

That’s a skill in and of itself.

Now, have I sufficiently confused you with that answer, or do I need to keep muddying the waters?

Look, if all this sounds like I haven’t given this much thought, it’s because I haven’t given this much thought.

Listen, I guess what I’m trying to say here is this:

I can teach writers to write, and sometimes I can teach non-writers, but not how to write better, but rather how to communicate more effectively.

Aw, man, I feel like I’m making non sense at all.

Ironic, isn’t it?

Here I am talking about how I can teach writers to write, and right now I feel like I couldn’t write myself out of a wet paper bag!

Kelvin, what’s up?

What!? Can’t Papa Maverick have a bad writing day??

Must I always be perfect?

Geez, you’re a real taskmaster, dear subscriber. A real piece of work.

Ah, but that’s why I like ya.

Well anyhow, that’s my ill-conceived and poorly expressed thoughts on the above quote.


One last thing:

The other day, someone on Twitter asked me what books I would recommend on the subject of persuasion.

That got me thinking.

I thought, “Hmm, if I could only recommend one book on persuasion to someone I greatly cared for, what book would I recommend?

Well… I’ll tell you.

But know this: My answer will come across as self-important and more self-serving than today’s major supermarkets.

But cha know what?

I don’t give a rat’s arse.

I stand firm on my choice.

If you’re interested, you can check it out here: https://kelvindorsey.com/cop-2/


Your friend,


Email Marketing Maverick