Free Access to Kelvin’s Ultimate Email Cheat-Sheet and 10 Minute Copy Speed Course

Linguistic Jiu-jitsu

“The right word spoken at the right time is as beautiful as gold apples in a silver bowl.” ~ King Solomon


Dear subscriber,

I doth loveth a fine turn of phrase.

Good phrases are like traditions, old habits, and in-laws – they never seem to go away!

Now, look at the following turn of phrase: How do you like them apples?

When most people hear that phrase, they picture the bar scene from Good Will Hunting where Will (Matt Damon) uses the goading phrase to put that Harvard douchebag in his place.

But know this:

People were wielding that phrase to taunt their enemies long before Matt Damon came on the scene. According to Wikipedia, it originated from World War 1. The word “apple” was a nickname for certain grenades that were used in trench warfare at the time.

So, apparently, soldiers would toss grenades into enemy trenches and yell:



You’ve learned something today.

Okay, here’s another timeless phrase:

“Frankly, dear, I don’t give a damn.”

That phrase was written in 1936 by screenwriter Sidney Howard. Of course, it is from the movie Gone With The Wind.

Most popular movies have phrases that have etched their way into pop culture.

Glengarry GlenRoss: Coffee is for closers.

Star Wars: May the force be with you

Apocalypse Now: I love the smell of napalm in the morning

Top Gun: I feel the need – the need for speed.

The point here is simple:

The way you say something matters. Most people’s words and sentences are bland, overused, and unimaginative. And unimaginative words drift into a person’s ear and out the other.

Listen, if you want your words to stick in your audience’s minds, then you must pay closer attention to HOW you say what you say.

If you want to hear some tasty phrases, watch the TV show Billions. The writers for that show are some of the best in the business when it comes to turning a phrase. These guys have black belts in linguistic jiu-jitsu!

Lemme give you an example of their genius.

There’s a scene where the main character (Axe) is getting grilled heavily by a hard-arse client who they want badly want to close. Despite the immense pressure, Axe answers every one of their tough questions with aplomb. This impresses the hell out of Wags – his right-hand man.

After the business meeting, Wags walks up to Axe to congratulate him on how well he handled it.

Well, an average writer would have written that interaction something like this:

Wags: “Axe, you killed it in there, man!”

But, these writers are anything but average. So, here’s what they wrote:

Wags: “Axe, you smashed back every one of their questions… like Agassi in his prime.”

In case you can’t see the genius in that, allow me to show you.

The writers were making a reference to tennis legend Andre Agassi who was considered to be the greatest service returner in the sport.

‘Twas a perfect analogy.

But how does one come up with such clever phrases?

Well, that’s where the August issue comes in.

If you want to know how to come up with clever and unique phrases that tickle the ears and fire up the brains of your audience, then don’t miss out on this issue.

To see how you can get this issue, wander over yonder:


Your friend,


Email Marketing Maverick

Hey, Kelvin, do you have any copywriting products?

Aha…I thought you’d never ask.

I sure do.

However, they are very expensive, and if you’ve just stumbled onto my website and don’t know me from a can of paint, you’d be nuts to buy any of my products. After all, I could be a complete copywriting novice dressed up in guru clothing. Hell, the internet has no shortage of those.

Listen: I believe you should put someone’s content to the test before shelling out your hard earned. Know this: I want to help you drag in more sales for your business before you even think about giving me a single penny. 

And that, dear website visitor, is why all my new subscribers get the following two perks:

NEW SUBSCRIBER PERK #1 - The 10-Minute Copywritng Speed Course

Fast-track your way to writing persuasive sales copy. I’m talking about copy that stomps on peoples’ greed glands while sounding credible and believable. Not easy to do. That’s why I created the 10-minute copywriting speed course. (You’re welcome)

I don’t care if you’re a sniveling beginner or a grizzled veteran, this will help you write copy that opens both minds and wallets!

FACT: most people suck at writing promotional emails...

And yet… people still seem to make email marketing profitable – lame email copy and all.

Even the most clueless of business owners who add email to their marketing arsenal will see an increase in business.

Email, dear website visitor, is a very forgiving marketing medium. And therein lies a golden opportunity. If you learn just a little email copy (as opposed to normal copywriting – yes…there’s a difference), you can truly work wonders with email marketing. Look, I could wax lyrical about email copy all day long, but let me get straight to the point:

Email and sales go together like drunk and disorderly, and…I want to prove to you how easy it is to write emails people love to read and buy from. The notion that you need to be well versed in direct response marketing and be a certified copywriting pro is just beautiful nonsense. Not saying that won’t help… of course it’d help. What I am saying is that email is a very different animal, thus, you can get away with not possessing a lick of copywriting knowledge. If you’re serious about boosting your business’s sales, you’re gonna love perk #2 …

NEW SUBSCRIBER PERK #2 - The Ultimate Email Cheat-Sheet

Don’t let their simplicity fool you. These 17 email “types” are shockingly effective for selling products and services.

“Serious business owners and marketers need only subscribe”

NOTE: The 10-Minute Copywritng Speed Course and The Ultimate Email Cheat-Sheet will be delivered to your inbox immediately upon signing up.