Free Access to Kelvin’s Ultimate Email Cheat-Sheet and 10 Minute Copy Speed Course

Show Us Your Wits


Dear subscriber,

Believe it or not… the following Google search queries are real, and even more surprising, they are popular.

Check these out:

How long should I freeze my credit card in the freezer?

Why do men like boobs so much?

How to boil water (8,100 searches per month)

Do fish get thirsty?

Why do I get cold when it’s cold outside?


How bout them, huh?

You can feel your IQ dropping while reading them, can’t you?

By the way, the article I got those searches from had one search query that should not have been on that list.

It should not have been on that list because it was a valid question. I dare say it was even a GREAT question.

Here is that unfairly judged search query:

Why are there no B-size batteries?

C’mon, admit it… that’s a darn good question! I mean, it shouldn’t keep you up at night, but it certainly piqued my curiosity. Well anyway, I did a little Google search on the matter and found this:

The absence of the B battery size on the market is simply because those sizes never truly got attention commercially, so they stopped making them.

What did people have against the B-size battery, you ask?

I dunno!

That’s like asking why is Meghan Markle an egotistical, self-entitled little brat –

Who Knows?

Look, I’m sorry. I’m just rambling on about nonsense. Perhaps I should move on to something that can actually help you, huh?

Let’s do that. Let’s see if I can help YOU.

It’s a big ask, but I like a challenge.

Now, as I was saying, reading those idiotic questions can make you feel like you’re losing brain cells. Well, I have a similar feeling when I read (or listen) to most online content today. Except, instead of losing IQ points, I feel like my sense of humor is…

… Getting Sucked From
My Soul!

The complete absence of humor in most online content astounds me.

Now hear me out:

I’m not saying your content must be knee-slapping funny, but is adding just a smidgen of humor or lightheartedness too much to ask?

It seems it is.

Most content today is about as funny as a barrel of bile.

Now, this, dear subscriber, is where I need to knock some of your excuses on the head.

I’ve heard them all before: “But, Kelvin, my audience is sophisticated professionals, I can’t make jokes and clown around!

Look, I get it, you want to be taken seriously, and you don’t want to come across as “unprofessional”. So, you deliver your content in a “professional manner”

Translation: you deliver your content in a way that is vapid, vanilla, and dull.

Well, you can either think creating content that way is profitable… or I can take you seriously, but it can’t be both.

Oh, and there’s this excuse:

“Kelvin, maybe you can get away with being humorous, but my audience is suffering from various illnesses, sometimes ones that are life-threatening.”

Once again, I understand. I really do. You don’t want to be tactless or come across as someone who isn’t kind and caring. The last thing you want to do is offend your audience, right?

That’s fine. But let me put this to you:

Have you ever stopped to think that the people who are suffering the most need to laugh the most?

Just food for thought, my kind and caring subscriber.

OK. For those who feel like I’m preaching to the choir here, you may be interested in the August issue. Half of this issue is on humor. Not just the theory either. Nope. In this issue, we get down n dirty. I show you exactly how I come up with my turns of phrases, jokes, and analogies.

Want to know how to grab this issue and others like it?

Then take a gander at this:


Your friend,


Email Marketing Maverick

Hey, Kelvin, do you have any copywriting products?

Aha…I thought you’d never ask.

I sure do.

However, they are very expensive, and if you’ve just stumbled onto my website and don’t know me from a can of paint, you’d be nuts to buy any of my products. After all, I could be a complete copywriting novice dressed up in guru clothing. Hell, the internet has no shortage of those.

Listen: I believe you should put someone’s content to the test before shelling out your hard earned. Know this: I want to help you drag in more sales for your business before you even think about giving me a single penny. 

And that, dear website visitor, is why all my new subscribers get the following two perks:

NEW SUBSCRIBER PERK #1 - The 10-Minute Copywritng Speed Course

Fast-track your way to writing persuasive sales copy. I’m talking about copy that stomps on peoples’ greed glands while sounding credible and believable. Not easy to do. That’s why I created the 10-minute copywriting speed course. (You’re welcome)

I don’t care if you’re a sniveling beginner or a grizzled veteran, this will help you write copy that opens both minds and wallets!

FACT: most people suck at writing promotional emails...

And yet… people still seem to make email marketing profitable – lame email copy and all.

Even the most clueless of business owners who add email to their marketing arsenal will see an increase in business.

Email, dear website visitor, is a very forgiving marketing medium. And therein lies a golden opportunity. If you learn just a little email copy (as opposed to normal copywriting – yes…there’s a difference), you can truly work wonders with email marketing. Look, I could wax lyrical about email copy all day long, but let me get straight to the point:

Email and sales go together like drunk and disorderly, and…I want to prove to you how easy it is to write emails people love to read and buy from. The notion that you need to be well versed in direct response marketing and be a certified copywriting pro is just beautiful nonsense. Not saying that won’t help… of course it’d help. What I am saying is that email is a very different animal, thus, you can get away with not possessing a lick of copywriting knowledge. If you’re serious about boosting your business’s sales, you’re gonna love perk #2 …

NEW SUBSCRIBER PERK #2 - The Ultimate Email Cheat-Sheet

Don’t let their simplicity fool you. These 17 email “types” are shockingly effective for selling products and services.

“Serious business owners and marketers need only subscribe”

NOTE: The 10-Minute Copywritng Speed Course and The Ultimate Email Cheat-Sheet will be delivered to your inbox immediately upon signing up.