Free Access to Kelvin’s Ultimate Email Cheat-Sheet and 10 Minute Copy Speed Course

The Secret of Sales

A secret of sales?

Nah, there couldn’t be, could there?

I say yea!

There is a secret to sales.

Well, it’s a not-so-secret to sales. In fact, it’s about as secret as the location of the nearest McDonald’s. That’s right, this is nothing new.

You’ve probably heard this countless times before. Actually, it’s said so often, salespeople treat it like some empty platitude. It’s like the elevator music of the business world. You hear it, but you don’t really hear it. You’re too busy thinking about your lunch order or your next Tinder date.

Well, I reveal this not-so-secret to sales on page 4 of the April issue. Now for some full disclosure and straight talk. This not-so-secret sales advice is more relevant for people who sell in person. Copywriters, not so much.

Now hear this:

If you’re one of those people who’s always looking for the latest and greatest sales advice, then you’re in the wrong place. Because most of the April issue is not about what’s new, it’s about what works. And let me tell you, there’s nothing sexier than something that works. I mean, sure, you can try all the newfangled techniques and buzzwords, but at the end of the day, it’s the old-school stuff that gets the job done.

It’s like a classic car or a vintage suit – timeless and effective.

OK. Here’s a little look at what’s inside this value-packed issue:

*The one persuasion technique that trumps them all. If you truly understand, and correctly apply this, you could do away with every other persuasion technique, tactic, and trick there is, and still be far more persuasive than most people. – page 3

*Why the world’s most persuasive people DON’T try and get people to believe what they say, and… what they do instead. This is very nuanced, but it’s tremendously powerful. – page 3

*An insight into persuasion nobody told you about. I recently learned this from one of the world’s foremost peak performance coaches, and it’s one of the most powerful things you could ever learn about persuasion.

*A simple mindset “tweak” that can instantly make you more persuasive in your communications.

*The not-so-secret to sales. This is something you’ve probably heard many times before, but in my humble opinion, it truly is the secret to sales. – page 4

*The David Copperfield-inspired sales secret. – page 4

*Why everyone in business should watch the first 5-minutes of the movie Training Day. – page 5

*4 movie recommendations for those who want to improve their persuasion chops. Watch these movies and take notes. – page 5

*Who I consider to be the most brilliant and most influential orator today. (Many of you will be surprised by this one. – page 5)

*There is no difference between persuading in person or by the written word. Or is there? See my answer on page 6

*How to be seen as a high-status person in social settings with high-powered people. HINT: this has nothing to do with saying the right things. Full scoop on page 6

*A ridiculously simple speaking trick (used by highly charismatic people such as Jamie Foxx, Tony Robbins, and Russell Brand) that makes what you say far more credible and persuasive. Just do this when you speak and watch how people start responding. – page 7

*A little-known speaking hack that is scientifically proven to make speaking more effortless, and make your communication more persuasive. (Doing this actually lightens the “cognitive load” of speaking, thus making your words flow out almost effortlessly. If you have trouble explaining abstract or complex concepts to people, then simply start doing what’s taught on page 7)

*A piercing insight into body language discovered by the University of Chicago shows that people who do this with their bodies when speaking or socializing are perceived as more credible and persuasive. (Best part: anyone can do this.)

*Bonding tricks of the world’s most charismatic people. (If you want to know the quickest and most effective ways to get people to instantly like you, then do what’s revealed on pages 7-8)

*A laughably simple way to bond with someone without even saying a word. According to research, doing this is the equivalent of three hours’ worth of positive interaction with that person. (And no, it’s not smiling or anything like that. In fact, it’s even simpler than that! – page 8)

If you really want this issue, then don’t just sit there sweating like a gigantic cheese…

… race here:


Your friend,


Email Marketing Maverick

Hey, Kelvin, do you have any copywriting products?

Aha…I thought you’d never ask.

I sure do.

However, they are very expensive, and if you’ve just stumbled onto my website and don’t know me from a can of paint, you’d be nuts to buy any of my products. After all, I could be a complete copywriting novice dressed up in guru clothing. Hell, the internet has no shortage of those.

Listen: I believe you should put someone’s content to the test before shelling out your hard earned. Know this: I want to help you drag in more sales for your business before you even think about giving me a single penny. 

And that, dear website visitor, is why all my new subscribers get the following two perks:

NEW SUBSCRIBER PERK #1 - The 10-Minute Copywritng Speed Course

Fast-track your way to writing persuasive sales copy. I’m talking about copy that stomps on peoples’ greed glands while sounding credible and believable. Not easy to do. That’s why I created the 10-minute copywriting speed course. (You’re welcome)

I don’t care if you’re a sniveling beginner or a grizzled veteran, this will help you write copy that opens both minds and wallets!

FACT: most people suck at writing promotional emails...

And yet… people still seem to make email marketing profitable – lame email copy and all.

Even the most clueless of business owners who add email to their marketing arsenal will see an increase in business.

Email, dear website visitor, is a very forgiving marketing medium. And therein lies a golden opportunity. If you learn just a little email copy (as opposed to normal copywriting – yes…there’s a difference), you can truly work wonders with email marketing. Look, I could wax lyrical about email copy all day long, but let me get straight to the point:

Email and sales go together like drunk and disorderly, and…I want to prove to you how easy it is to write emails people love to read and buy from. The notion that you need to be well versed in direct response marketing and be a certified copywriting pro is just beautiful nonsense. Not saying that won’t help… of course it’d help. What I am saying is that email is a very different animal, thus, you can get away with not possessing a lick of copywriting knowledge. If you’re serious about boosting your business’s sales, you’re gonna love perk #2 …

NEW SUBSCRIBER PERK #2 - The Ultimate Email Cheat-Sheet

Don’t let their simplicity fool you. These 17 email “types” are shockingly effective for selling products and services.

“Serious business owners and marketers need only subscribe”

NOTE: The 10-Minute Copywritng Speed Course and The Ultimate Email Cheat-Sheet will be delivered to your inbox immediately upon signing up.