In the year 3,000

  Dear subscriber, You should always try and be as logical and rational as humanly possible when making decisions. American billionaire investor, hedge fund manager, and inner circle member (he’s not, but he should be!) Ray Dalio concurs: “Logic, reason, and common sense are your best tools for synthesizing reality

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Can You Guess The Book?

Dear subscriber, Can you guess the book? First clue: This book is over 600,000 words long. Second clue: It was written in three languages across three continents. Huh? You think it’s Madeleine de Scudéry’s Artamène ou le Grand Cyrus? BZZZT! Wrong answer. Third clue: It’s the most stolen book. Fourth

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The Most Useless Book on Email Copywriting Ever?

“Hoax! Scam!! Fraud!!!”, they bark. I’m referring to folks who knee-jerkily buy online courses only to jump on some forum and cry foul. “I bought So-and-So’s course, and it didn’t work!”, they yelp. No, Chi-Chi… … YOU Didn’t Work! Most people who buy online courses and information products barely get

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Check Out This Snapshot

  Dear subscriber, Saw an interesting picture online the other day. Oh yeah, tell me about this picture, Kelvin. Alright. It was a photo taken at Jeff Bezos’ engagement party. A lavish affair on Bezos’ $500 million dollar superyacht where stupidly expensive champagne flowed and the rich and famous rubbed

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Quit It!

  Dear subscriber, Once upon a time… A laydee was strolling through her local neighborhood when she came upon a guy who was smoking two cigarettes at once. The laydee approached the man and politely asked why he was smoking two cigarettes. “That’s because I smoke one for myself and

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8 Wallet-Fattening Email Ideas

  Dear subscriber, Grass grows, birds fly, waves pound the sand, and Papa Maverick drops value-filled emails into his undyingly loyal subscribers’ inboxes. In other words, it’s just business as usual. That’s right, my friend, today is just another day. Or is it? Yup. It’s just another day. That said,

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From Good To Grating

Dear subscriber, A few months back, I started watching a TV series called Goliath. To explain it in one sentence, it’s a legal drama that pits this washed-up lawyer, played by Billy Bob Thornton, against these big, bad corporate giants. Well anyhow, after a few episodes, I was hooked. I

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A Star-Studded Email

  Dear subscriber, Quick question: What makes a good TV show or movie? The actors? Nah. The director? Nuh-uh. The producer? Nope. They are all factors, of course, but they are not ultimately what makes a TV show or movie good. What makes a good TV show or movie is

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Side B

  Dear subscriber, Let’s talk about humor. A monkey riding a bike is funny. Comedian Bill Burr is funny. And, the August issue is funny. Well, kinda, in a roundabout way. As I’ve been touting in my previous emails, the August issue reveals a big secret to making people laugh.

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